Some random thoughts –
This trip is for Science Nerds!
What parts of the trip are you most excited about?
- Even though the museums and Cambridge and Down House, etc., are some of my favorite places, The Lake District is flat out spectacular. The geology there is very cool, the peaks beckon, dinner in the pub, a book on the veranda in the sun…the good life.
- Punting on the Cam in Cambridge will make us all feel we are grad students at Darwin College.
- The very first Iguanodon skeleton (the first identified dinosaur) in the Sedgwick Museum.
- Chelsea Buns at the pastry shop in Cambridge are yummy.
You have the clothes you are wearing and the shoes on your feet. If you could pack just 3 items for this trip, what would they be?
A copy of Darwin’s Notebook, a brollie, and of course, everyone in the UK sports a black bowler.
Do you think we’ll see any garden gnomes?
Garden gnomes and fairies are commonly reported, but only by believers. (Hoping we don’t have any of those on this trip)
What is your favorite tid bit of history about Charles Darwin?
Favorite Darwin story: He had his kids hide in the hedges and flower gardens around Down House, armed with flour shakers to dust the humblebees as they zipped by in an effort to track their favorite flyways.
Travel Considerations?
- The Chocolate Frogs on the train are not to be missed.
- We really can ride a double decker bus in London.
By Mims Montgomery