Session Two Hante Adventures are well underway at this point. They have passed the halfway mark and are in the home stretch! We’ve had a warm and dry couple of weeks here in Western North Carolina with some rain finally in the forecast for these next few days. Fingers crossed it cools us off a bit!
The Boundary Waters crew has called in to the office a couple of times via their satellite phone. They are doing well, the weather has been amazing, and they have seen a snapping turtle lay eggs – so cool!
AT Trek was resupplied yesterday morning and they are excited to be back on the trail with fresh food and clothes. They’ve only got a couple of full days left on the trail and then they are off to raft the Pigeon river. We’re excited to hear all of the stories when they return.
Until then… happy trails and paddling! We will update with more as soon as we hear.
By Mims Montgomery