

Canteen Accounts

Each camper has a canteen account, through which they may purchase camp memorabilia and t-shirts, postage stamps, needed toiletries, or get small amounts of money for special outings. Canteen deposits must be made through CampDoc prior to opening day. We will not accept canteen deposits on opening day of your child’s session.
We can only accept credit card deposits (via as an “Add-on” on the Registration tab of your camper’s profile– if you have any trouble accessing these Add-ons please contact Molly by email at or by phone at 336-761-1040. The deposit amount is optional, though we recommend:

• $30 for one-week session
• $60 or $75 for two or three-week sessions
• JCs: an additional $35 for the JC outing (except for Session IV)
• An additional $25 for travel cash (if flying)

We will do our best to ensure campers do not exceed their initial canteen deposit. If you do not want your child to purchase more expensive items (ex: Crazy Creek camp chairs, Hoodies), please check the appropriate box on the Camper Canteen Form on your CampDoc account. Please note: Charges incurred by Eagle’s Nest for items like shipping and prescriptions/medical co-pays are also handled through camper canteen accounts and are considered over and above the amount deposited for general canteen purchases.

Refunds will be processed through CampDoc two weeks after the close of your child’s session unless you opt to donate them to the scholarship fund. Outstanding balances are due upon receipt of invoice. Refunds of $10 or less will be donated to the camp scholarship fund unless otherwise requested.

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Please upload a recent photo of your child to your CampDoc profile. Photos help us recognize your child on opening day and greet them with familiarity.

Shipping Luggage to Camp

Luggage and trunks may be shipped to camp and from camp via Eagle’s Nest Ships Camps site. All of our information for shipping dates based on your camper’s session is preloaded on our shipping site for easy shipping of luggage to and from camp.

Ship Camps offers round-trip, door-to-door service with outstanding customer support and an experienced operations team that ensures on-time delivery, continuous baggage monitoring and tracking as well as detailed coordination with our camp staff. For these reasons, we require that you use Ship Camps to ship camper luggage to and from Camp.

Setup with Ship Camps is quick, taking just a few minutes. Visit Eagle’s Nest Ships Camps site or call 855.540.2267 to book the service. Once setup is complete, Ship Camps will mail you your shipping labels, pick your bags up from home prior to the camp session AND drop off at your desired location after camp.

Through this partnership Ship Camps has guaranteed the best flat rate pricing for our families. We strongly encourage getting orders booked with Ship Camps by or before May 1st, 2024!

For any issues or questions with your shipment, contact Ships Camp.


Please do not send pre-paid shipping labels to camp. We only ship trunks from camp via Ships Camps.

If your camper is flying, we strongly recommend that you ship their baggage to camp.

**Please Note: Eagle’s Nest is not responsible for any luggage lost or damaged in transit to or from camp.

Opening Day

This day is both exciting and challenging for parents and children.

Arrival times are based on the first letter in your camper’s last name:

A-G arrival time between 9:00AM-10:00AM(EDT)

H-O arrival time between 10:00AM-11:00AM(EDT)

P-Z arrival time between 11:00AM-12:00PM(EDT)

Our staff will greet you at the entrance to Eagle’s Nest Camp and direct you to park your car.

Next you will begin the check-in process which includes a stop at the Health Hut for quick screenings for lice and to make sure your camper is well and ready for camp. After you’ve completed this process, you and your child will walk to the cabin to meet their counselors and begin the transition.

Parents and guardians are invited to spend a brief period of time at your camper’s cabin, meeting the counselors and seeing the cabin. Please use this time to establish the transition of care to the counselors and hug your child goodbye. If you feel that this transition will be difficult, please make a “goodbye” plan with your child before coming to camp and stick with that plan! We can help.


Closing Day

Pick-up times are as follows.  Last name beginning with the following letters:

A-G arrival time between 9:00AM-10:00AM(EDT)

H-O arrival time between 10:00AM-11:00AM(EDT)

P-Z arrival time between 11:00AM-12:00PM(EDT)

Travel by Air

Your child may travel to and from camp by car or commercial airline. All campers must arrive and/or depart at the assigned time between 9:00 and 11:00AM(EDT) on Opening and Closing Day of their session.

When booking tickets, please select the Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) or the Greenville/Spartanburg International Airport (GSP).

Your Camper’s Flight Must:
Arrive between 9:00AM and 11:00AM (EDT) on Opening Day
Depart between 9:00AM and 11:00AM (EDT) on Closing Day

Junior Counselors must arrive between 2:00PM and 4:00PM(EDT) on the day before the session starts (excluding Session IV, when JCs arrive on opening day of camp in the 9:00AM slot). Junior Counselors may only fly into Asheville Regional Airport (AVL).

Once travel is booked, please upload a copy of your child’s itinerary to your CampDoc account on the Camper Travel Information Form.

Unaccompanied Minors: Most airlines have a mandatory Unaccompanied Minor (UM) program for children under 15 years-old and traveling without an adult. The age limits and fees vary from airline to airline.

Depending on the airline, the UM ticket may not be available through online reservation; you may need to call the airline to set up the UM arrangement. Please pay all UM fees (both ways) directly to the airline.

*Please contact Molly, the Camp Registrar, at, for the camp staff name and phone # to provide the airline for your camper’s unaccompanied minor pickup.

Airport Shuttles: Eagle’s Nest provides a shuttle to and from the Greenville/Spartanburg Airport (GSP) and the Asheville Airport (AVL). The shuttle fee is $50 per camper each way ($100 round trip) for the Greenville/ Spartanburg Airport. The GSP Shuttle Fee can be paid as an “Add-on” via the Registration tab on your camper’s profile on There is no charge for the shuttle to or from the Asheville Airport. Please note: the Greenville/Spartanburg Airport is about 1.5 hours from camp, and the Asheville Airport is 45 minutes from camp. De-pending on the arrival/departure times of other campers, your camper may need to spend a couple hours in the airport accompanied by our staff, then incur travel time in the van.

If your child is flying, we strongly recommend shipping your camper’s trunk to and from camp.  This way, your child only needs a carry-on bag, which saves time at the airport waiting for luggage and avoids fees for baggage. We suggest that campers who are flying wear an Eagle’s Nest t-shirt at the airport. Our staff will wear Eagle’s Nest t-shirts as well.

Travel Money: We recommend adding $20 in Travel Money to the Canteen Account for campers who are flying. This can be done as an “Add-on” via the Registration tab on your camper’s profile on Travel Money is intended to be used by campers to make purchases (e.g. snack, call home) at the airport while traveling.

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