
As the winter season approaches, the prospect of camp and warm summer days always sits at the forefront of my mind.  With the excitement of warmer days, I want to remind everyone about our camp scholarship/campership program.   

Every year Eagle’s Nest accepts applications for camp scholarships, which we call “camperships,” for our Camp and Hante programs in the upcoming summer.  These camp scholarships are intended to assist in the financial costs of attending camp or Hante in the summer so that the opportunity to participate in camp or Hante is a reality for all who want to attend.  Awards vary in amount and are calculated based on income and expenses of the family. 

Summer of 2019, Eagle’s Nest awarded over $100,000 in scholarships to families for camp and Hante programs that summer.  We have two deadlines for our camp scholarship applications.  The first deadline in December 1st

To apply for a camp scholarship, register your participant here, pay a $150 deposit, which is fully refunded if you do not receive an award that makes camp or Hante a possibility.  Then I will send you a camp scholarship/campership application via your email.  And then return this application by mail or email to by the deadline of December 1st

Please reach out with any questions at all or if you need any help getting registered.  Eagle’s Nest is committed to making camp or Hante a reality for everyone who wants to participate. 
