Upon leaving Le Puy en Velay and heading out on our first day on trail, we saw many beautiful sights. As we walked through the lovely hills of the French country side, we saw many fields filled with wild flowers and grazing cows. I saw some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. From the tree covered mountain to the beautiful waterfall we swam in, it has all been exceptional. As we role into the hostels after a long day of hiking, we are greeted by friendly locals who are very happy to have us there. As we have hiked, we have met many nice people on the trail, these people would often stay in the same hostels as us and exchange many pleasantries. I’m very happy with how much French I have been able to speak. Native French speakers are always happy to stop and chat as I fumble my way through in broken French. Overall, I have been having an imagining experience with the group and all the people I have met. I can’t wait what next week holds!